Is it Safe to get a Stem Cell Transplantation Procedure?
One of the primary concerns of patients receiving a stem cell procedure is safety. While traditional methods to relieve pain from osteoarthritis and degenerative conditions include therapy and exercise, the thought of stem cell transplantation for hip and knee pain might make some patients uncomfortable. However, the key is to educate yourself on your upcoming stem cell procedure—and you’ll learn that this method is a safe alternative to invasive joint replacement surgeries.
What is a Stem Cell Transplantation?
Advanced Regenerative Medicine’s approach to a stem cell procedure is cutting-edge and new to the medical field. In fact, there is no comparable stem cell transplantation procedure available anywhere in the country today. Our stem cell procedures offer an alternative to older treatments used to relieve painful joints caused by osteoarthritis—specifically hips, knees, and shoulder joints.
ARM’s approach is to use an intra-articular injection with a combination of StroMed and PRP. This combination will reduce pain, inflammation, and worn down areas where cartilage was lost by restoring those defects with new cartilage generated by the stem cells. This often enables patients to regain a larger range of motion of the joints.
Is it Safe to Receive a Stem Cell Procedure?
It’s well known that invasive knee and hip surgeries come with a laundry list of risks. From blood clots to prolonged healing time, joint replacement surgery poses significant risks for potential complications.
ARM’s stem cell transplantation procedures are being studied and proven safe and effective. Although many stem cell procedures are still in development, those that are in the clinical trial phase are still deemed as safe—as long as credible medical professionals are conducting the trial.
What are Stem Cell Procedures Used For?
Stem cell therapy is an ideal solution for patients wanting to bypass invasive surgery or who are not offered a surgical option, and who seek the benefits of reduced or eliminated cartilage defects, pain, and inflammation.
Advanced Regenerative Medicine’s stem cell transplantation procedure is used as an alterative to failed conservative measures to treat painful joints, such as medications, physical therapy, and bracing. It is often a superior alternative to surgical procedures, including surgical total joint replacement. We are able to harness the regenerative power of your own stem cells that can produce the healing of painful, degenerated joints. We use licensed ultrasonic cavitation technology to harvest adipose derived stromal vascular fraction stem cells, and transplant the large numbers of cells required to actually restore joint anatomy. Other stem cell sources are unable to provide enough cells, and instead rely on the temporary symptomatic relief of pain, often 12 – 18 months! ARM delivers enough cells to have beneficial effects for many years. To date, the longest studied patients have reported ongoing relief and improvement 8 years following their stem cell transplantation. Our innovative approach produces the optimal conditions under which the body regenerates tissue and heals itself.
Learn More About ARM Stem Cell Procedures
ARM is leading the development and investigation of the most effective use of stem cells in the U.S., specifically the use of StroMed and PRP in the treatment of degenerated, painful joints caused by osteoarthritis. If you have questions about our stem cell transplantation procedures or would like to learn more, contact us today.