Hip Arthritis Treatment


Severe hip pain can dramatically reduce your range of motion and make everyday life more difficult. There are several variations of hip arthritis treatment, with some more successful and long lasting than others. Many people are willing to try a combination of remedies in order to reduce hip pain—and Advanced Regenerative Medicine is offering an alternative to the most invasive and extreme treatments for hip osteoarthritis due to degeneration from age or chronic injury.

What Causes Hip Arthritis?

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of hip arthritis. This chronic condition is the process of breaking down the cartilage that cushions the bones where they meet at the joints. As the cartilage is broken down, the joints become stiff, painful, and the sufferer experiences loss of movement. X rays may show the cartilage loss, loss of joint space, and the uncontrolled growth of bone spurs.

Most people with osteoarthritis in the hip feel stiff after a period of inactivity, decreased stiffness and pain with some activity, and greatly increased pain after long periods of activity.

Hip Arthritis Treatment: Traditional Options

There are several traditional hip arthritis treatment methods that have been used for decades. One of the most natural remedies is moderate exercise, which helps maintain range of motion of strengthen the muscles that move your hips. Consistently stretching and exercising these muscles and tendons can help reduce pain over time. However, if patients do not regularly perform the exercises to maintain muscle and tendon strength, the pain may return. Regenerative medicine can be an alternative to traditional hip replacement procedures.

Surgery is another popular hip treatment option. The less invasive surgical approaches include arthroscopic repair of torn ligaments, trimming of frayed edges of ligaments and cartilage, and smoothing of boney spurs. More invasive approaches include partial joint replacement, total joint replacement, and even fusion of the joint. While these options may be effective for some people, it is by no means effective for everyone. Surgery also poses significant risk of complications, such as infection, bleeding, loss of the joint, and systemic risks to other organs, such as the heart, kidneys, and liver. These risks are sometimes so significant that surgery may be judged too dangerous and withheld as a treatment option.

Additionally, surgery often requires prolonged and painful rehabilitation, and can take several months before pain is reduced and normal range of motion is regained. Pain relief and full range of motion cannot be guaranteed and a significant percentage of patients never obtain them. Therefore, some people go through surgical procedures with no resultant benefit, while being exposed to some very serious risks with hip joint replacement, such as heart attack, and stroke.

Other risks from hip joint replacement include injury to nerve and blood vessels, bleeding, and loosening of the new joint over time.

Hip Arthritis Treatment: Considering Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy as a hip arthritis treatment is an entirely new concept, and is being pioneered by Advanced Regenerative Medicine. Our approach is to use proprietary technology to extract adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction stem cells, known as StroMed cells. This new technology enables the transplantation of stem cells and other factors into the degenerated joint, which harnesses and facilitates the body’s ability to heal itself. The healed joint is preferable to attempts to mimic the natural joint anatomy using metal or plastic.
ARM is offering patients an innovative method for hip arthritis treatment. When you choose stem cell therapy to alleviate pain from hip arthritis, you won’t have to worry about invasive surgery and the risks that come along with it. Stem cell therapy uses your body’s own cells to restore itself—so there is no risk of rejection of foreign material or cells.

Is Stem Cell Therapy a good choice for Your Hip Arthritis Treatment?
Before you decide to go under the knife for your hip pain, contact ARM to schedule a comprehensive evaluation and discussion about what stem cell therapy can do for you .