Innovative Knee Replacement: Considering Stem Cell Therapy for Knees in Pittsburgh, PA

If you’re suffering from pain in your knee from osteoarthritis, you’re well aware of how debilitating it can be to live with this joint disease. Osteoarthritis is the most common chronic condition of the joints, and it occurs when the cartilage in your knee between the joints breaks down. This results in stiffness, swelling, and pain.

When Pittsburgh residents suffer from this condition, they typically turn to knee replacement for relief. While this procedure can help get you back on your feet and relieve a substantial amount of pain, there is another alternative to this invasive procedure: stem cell therapy for knees.

What is Stem Cell Therapy for Knees?

Stem cell therapy for knees is a new procedure for patients who suffer from arthritis pain due to degeneration or chronic injury. The goal is to help your body naturally repair itself with its own cells, rather than replace the entire knee with a false joint. Stem cell technology develops cells into another type of cell in the body, which helps tissues repair on their own.

Although this option is new to many patients—and some may be unaware of this option entirely—Advanced Regenerative Medicine is offering this as a better alternative to invasive surgery. It helps you to regain full motion of your knees and offers a much faster recovery period than traditional knee replacement.

Is Knee Surgery Always the Obvious Choice?

Since stem cell therapy for knees is so new in Pittsburgh, many patients will overlook this option. Although surgery is sometimes the obvious solution for severe cases, stem cell therapy is both safe and effective for knee replacement—and we can prove it. Studies have shown that patients receive nearly full range of motion with significantly reduced pain levels when choosing stem cell therapy.

The truth is that stem cell therapy can be just as successful as knee joint replacement. But the good news is that you can opt for this alternative while experiencing significantly lower risk. Stem cell therapy involves an injection, while knee replacement surgery requires you to go under the knife—leaving you out of commission for several months.

Which option sounds most appealing to you?

Find out if you’re a candidate for stem cell therapy for knees by calling Advanced Regenerative Medicine in Pittsburgh, PA. Contact us today at 855-984-8287.

Advanced Stem Cell Therapy Advantages in Pittsburgh PA

Advanced stem cell therapy has yet to go mainstream in Pittsburgh, but it’s truly the future for various replacement surgeries—including knee replacement and shoulder replacement. Although advanced stem cell therapy isn’t readily available yet in Pittsburgh, Advanced Regenerative Medicine is leading the way for this innovative medical advancement.

What is Advanced Stem Cell Therapy?

Advanced stem cell therapy is the process of using your own stem cells to help heal parts of your body. From injuries to degenerated joints, advanced stem cell therapy has made a big difference in the lives of countless people in Pittsburgh, PA.

How Does Advanced Stem Cell Therapy Work?

Your body is made from billions of specialized cells that make up tissue, muscles, joints, and many other parts of your body. If an old cell dies, a new one is reborn to take its place. However, this isn’t the case if you’re suffering from an injury. The cells typically come back weaker, which results in a lot of pain and discomfort for the patient.

Advanced Regenerative Medicine uses an innovative injection to help treat knee and shoulder pain right on the spot. This is an excellent alternative to replacement surgeries, which offers a much faster recovery period while helping you return to your daily life.

Should You Consider Advanced Stem Cell Therapy?

Advanced stem cell therapy can be a perfect option to many patients in Pittsburgh. If you’re suffering from osteoarthritis-related pain, we have an injection that just might change your life.

Another consideration is if you’re nervous about going under the knife. Surgery is a risky procedure, whether it’s to repair joints or help with weight loss. Not only is advanced stem cell therapy a less invasive procedure, it is also proven effective for repairing joints from osteoporosis.

Lastly, this procedure also offers a much faster recovery time. Traditional knee and shoulder replacement surgeries can take around 2 months to heal, while some patients need up to an entire year to feel normal again.

If you think you’re a candidate for stem cell therapy, Advanced Regenerative Medicine wants to talk to you. We can help determine if stem cell therapy is right for you while guiding you through the process. Contact us today to learn more about how this procedure can get you on the fast route to recovery.

Speeding up your shoulder replacement recovery in Pittsburgh, PA

Speeding up Your Shoulder Replacement Recovery in Pittsburgh, PA

If you’re thinking about getting shoulder replacement surgery, you might be holding back due to the recovery time period. Shoulder replacements takes around 6 to 8 weeks, although some patients may need up to a full year to entirely recover.

The good news is that there are other ways to speed up the recovery process and get your shoulder back to working order in a shorter time period. Those who consider regenerative medicine over traditional shoulder replacement surgery can experience faster recovery times along with fewer complications. Advanced Regenerative Medicine offers shoulder replacement procedures to help gain strength in your shoulder while providing pain relief.

How Does Regenerative Medicine Work for the Shoulder?
The goal is to provide an intra-articular injection that combines StroMed and PRP. This has a large clinical impact on pain and inflammation that is caused by osteoarthritis of the shoulder.

Furthermore, within 6 months, the goal is also to re-grow hyaline cartilage to help the body repair itself.

Is it Safe to Receive a Stem Cell Procedure for the Shoulder?
While regenerative medicine and stem cell procedure is relatively new to the public, stem cell procedures are proven as a safe and effective method to help repair your shoulder. The key is to ensure that medical professionals are handling the procedure, which is why Pittsburgh residents turn to Advanced Regenerative Medicine for shoulder replacement alternatives.

Key Exercises for Faster Shoulder Recovery
Even those who opt for regenerative medicine can benefit from shoulder exercises for recovery. The overall goal is to return patients to their desired level of activity after the procedure.

These are the most effective shoulder exercises to help speed up recovery:

• Circular pendulum: Bend forward 90 degrees at the waist and use a table for support. Move your body in a circular motion and move your arm clockwise 10 times, then counter clockwise 10 times at 3 sessions per day.
• Shoulder flexion: Clasp your hands together and lift your arms above your head. Keep your elbows as straight as possible. Lower to starting position and repeat 10 to 20 times at 3 sessions per day.
• Shoulder external rotation: Bend your elbow at 90 degrees while lying on your side. Hold the weight and raise your hand away from your stomach. Slowly lower to starting position. Repeat 10 times at 3 sessions per day.

Consider advanced stem cell therapy as an alternative for shoulder replacement surgery. Contact us today with questions.

Shoulder Replacement Alternatives Pittsburgh | Stem Cell Therapy


Consider shoulder replacement alternatives because the shoulder is perhaps the most mobile joint in the human body. We use our shoulders a lot in the course of a normal day. Whether we’re at the gym, playing sports, or just working around the yard or house, our shoulders are called upon for a range of motions as well as stabilization. This is why many of us just accept sore and painful shoulders as a part of life. A consequence of working or playing hard.

But, for many, a nagging shoulder can’t be ignored. A bum shoulder limits their activities and reduces their overall quality of life. Especially when it comes to a painful degenerative condition like shoulder osteoarthritis.

What Is Osteoarthritis of the Shoulder?

Osteoarthritis of the shoulder is a gradual softening or degeneration of the articular cartilage. It’s an age-related type of arthritis attributed to normal everyday wear and tear. Although it generally occurs in people over the age of 50, it can also occur in younger people as well.

Patients experience chronic joint, pain, swelling, and inflammation. Over time there may be a total loss of cartilage. This may cause bones to rub against one another while the shoulder is in motion; producing worsening pain and discomfort.

Is Shoulder Surgery the Best Way to Treat Osteoarthritis?

While shoulder joint replacement isn’t as common as hip or knee replacement, the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality estimates that roughly 53,000 people in the U.S. undergo the procedure each year.

Despite solid success rates, surgery in and of itself is risky. So much so that it should be the absolute last option to address chronic shoulder pain. Infection, osteolysis, implant fractures, blood clots, and rare metal-allergy reactions are always possibilities with shoulder surgeries.

The recovery phase for shoulder surgery is also extensive. Pain and discomfort can last anywhere from 7 to 10 days following the procedure. Full recovery can take up to 6 weeks.

Throughout this time, your shoulder will need to remain still. Your arm may be in a sling for a few weeks to assist with this. There will be frequent applications of cold packs to alleviate swelling and pain, along with physical therapy sessions to help you regain function. Make no mistake about it, recovering from shoulder replacement is a long and challenging ordeal.

Adult Stem Cells Are a Less Invasive Alternative to Shoulder Replacement

Osteoarthritis is a progressive condition. Once it begins, there is no cure for this degenerative condition. Continued articular cartilage damage is common even after modifying activities, resting and icing your shoulder, using anti-inflammatory over-the-counter medications (NSAIDs) or prescription opioids, cortisone injections, and physical therapy.

Think of stem cell therapy as the next option before shoulder joint replacement surgery. Adult (autologous) stem cells are easily harvested directly from your bone marrow. Once harvested, it is concentrated into a combination of stem cells, platelets, and white blood cells. It’s then injected into the damaged shoulder joint to regenerate articular cartilage, reduce pain and inflammation processes, and accelerate healing.

In addition to providing relief to osteoarthritis sufferers, stem cell therapy is an effective technique for rotator cuff repair – which is usually addressed (much less effectively) with arthroscopic shoulder surgery.

Is Stem Cell Therapy Right for You?

Both shoulder joint replacement and arthroscopic shoulder surgery involve months of rehab and potential risks and complications.

As shoulder replacement alternatives, stem cell therapies offered by Advanced Regenerative Medicine in Pittsburgh may alleviate shoulder pain and discomfort, plus the conditions causing it, with one simple injection done right at our office. You’ll be able to resume normal activities immediately following the procedure.

To learn more about this shoulder replacement alternative, contact us today at 855-984-8287.

Pittsburgh Knee Replacement Alternatives | Stem Cell Procedures


There’s never been a bigger need for knee replacement alternatives than today. Millions of people throughout the U.S. live with excruciating knee pain or discomfort each day. Every step they take is accompanied by a groan and a grimace. So much so that this pain dictates what they can and cannot do; drastically impacting their quality of life. Simple things like walking up stairs or bending down to play with the dog suddenly aren’t that simple anymore.

Causes of Knee Pain

The reasons for knee pain vary. Arthritic knees are the most common culprit followed by injury. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint condition. Normal “wear and tear” in one’s lifetime will gradually erode the protective cartilage cushioning the joints. When this happens, bones under that cartilage may begin to rub together. This friction results in pain, swelling, and loss of motion within the joint.

It seems like both obesity and exercise are contributing to much of the knee osteoarthritis we’re seeing today. Even carrying as little as 10 extra pounds adds stress to the knee with each step. The Missouri Arthritis Rehabilitation Research & Training Center recently concluded a study suggesting that losing just 15 pounds can alleviate knee pain by as much as 50 percent.

If it’s not the weight, it’s lifelong high-intensity exercise beating up the joints. Hello irony. We exercise to stay healthy and keep off unwanted pounds. But plenty of young lifelong runners, cyclists, and weight lifters (those squats wreak havoc on the knees) now have chronic knee pain.

Treating Knee Pain

Many people initially opt to “tough it out.” They’ll routinely ice their knee, wear protective bracing when active, or reach for that bottle of ibuprofen to get through the day.

Unfortunately, when they do talk about knee pain with a doctor, many recommend surgery right out the gate. Even when there are many less invasive knee replacement alternatives.

Knee Replacements Are on the Rise

Knee replacement surgeries have doubled within the past twenty years. While much of the uptick can be attributed to Baby Boomers, more and more people in their 40s and 50s are now undergoing knee replacements for the reasons we mentioned above.

However, there are a few problems with knee replacements that aren’t always openly discussed.

1. They Aren’t Effective for EveryoneA Virginia Commonwealth University study concluded that nearly one-third of knee replacement patients weren’t actually good candidates for the procedure. At best, the procedure only has very modest benefits for anyone without constant knee pain or moderate to severe arthritis.

2. Knee Surgery Hurts & Recovery is Tough – The first few weeks after a knee surgery can be especially painful. Post-surgery swelling and bruising can last up to three or more months.

For the first month after the procedure, ice may need to be applied hourly, pain medications may be needed every 4 to 6 hours, and you’ll need to exercise the knee three times a day.

Physical therapy may be needed for up to 4 or 5 months.

It can be anywhere from 3 or 6 weeks to 3 months before you can return to work depending on your overall health and occupation.

3. Addictive Narcotics May Be Needed
– Morphine is usually administered at the hospital and opioids are typically prescribed for anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks. Not only are such medications highly addictive, but they also come with a slew of side effects ranging from depression, mental confusion, and psychotic symptoms to constipation and other physical ailments.

Results Are Neither Guaranteed or Long-Lasting – Contrary to what you may be told, a knee replacement doesn’t make you “As good as new.” Just roughly 75 percent of your original knee function and capacity can be reclaimed. Patients under the age of 65 also need to be reminded that the average lifespan of a replacement knee is two decades.

Stem Cell Treatment Has Emerged as an Alternative to Knee Replacements

The human body is a miraculous structure. Our bodies are inclined to heal themselves. It’s just some tissue damage becomes harder to heal the older we get.

Thankfully, within the marrow cavities of our bones sits a reserve of stem cells. These stem cells can be extracted from the blood by needle. They can then be injected into the knee area to repair the degenerated tissue.

Who Is a Candidate for this Alternative to Knee Replacement Surgery?

Stem cell implementation is most commonly recommended to patients with knee osteoarthritis who are no longer responding to rest, medications, cortisone shots, hyaluronic acid injections, and physical therapy. It may also be an option for younger people with a chronic tendon issues or soft tissue injuries.

Generally, stem cell therapy works best for patients with secondary to moderate osteoarthritis in the knee. It’s most effective for patients that have yet to experience a complete collapse of joint space or bone on bone friction.

Can Joint Cartilage be Regenerated by Stem Cell Injections?

Although some data does suggest that portions of worn-down cartilage can be regenerated by stem cell therapy, more research is needed. What we know at this time is stem cell injections are effective when it comes to alleviating joint pain, stiffness, and tenderness. This has made stem cell implantation a very popular alternative approach to knee cartilage repair.

Nearly 80 percent of stem cell patients report significant pain relief and improved function within 1 to 2 months after the procedure. You should never feel as if knee replacement surgery is your only option. There is always another option and in this case it is stem cell therapies for knee replacement alternatives.

Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell injections are a non-invasive effective knee replacement alternative. It’s an outpatient procedure without the typical wait that accompanies knee surgery. Rehabilitation isn’t a long painful process. In fact, most people can resume normal activities immediately after the procedure. This means there’s no missing work or being laid up like there is with knee replacement surgery.

Are You a Candidate for Stem Cell Therapy?

If you’d like to schedule a consultation to determine if you’re a fit for this knee replacement alternative, call Advanced Regenerative Medicine today at 855-984-8287.

Hip Replacement Alternatives Pittsburgh | Hip Stem Cell Therapy


Consider hip replacement alternatives to improve your quality of life. “You’re getting old” jokes aside, arthritis in the hip is no laughing matter. It’s a painful condition that makes even the simple act of walking to the other side of the room difficult.

The pain of osteoarthritis becomes debilitating as the condition worsens. It also becomes unresponsive to over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, joint supplements, hot and cold therapies, cortisone injections, rest, or physical therapy.

This is when your doctor will want to discuss hip replacement surgery with you, and this is when you should be aware that there are hip replacement alternatives.

The Facts on Hip Replacement Surgeries

Within the past fifteen years, the number of hip replacement surgeries has skyrocketed in the U.S. 95 percent of these procedures are performed on patients 45 and older.

However, there’s also an increasing number of young physically active people complaining of chronic hip pain. Not surprisingly, despite their age, these people are gradually being steered towards hip replacement surgery. All without knowing the potential risks and overall effectiveness of the surgery.

Hip replacement surgery is a traumatic and complex procedure. Patients must deal with months of pain and discomfort following surgery as they attempt to regain strength and mobility. It can be 10 to 12 weeks until a patient can resume normal activities after hip replacement surgery.

Here’s an important takeaway. Hip replacement surgery is an elective procedure. There’s always the option to not have surgery. At least until you see how effective some hip replacement alternatives are. Stem cell treatment is an alternative to hip replacement surgery currently showing a lot of promise.

Stem Cell Therapy for Hip Arthritis & Injuries

Everyday, unbeknown to us, billions of specialized cells within the human body carry out degenerative and regenerative processes. Older cells die off. New cells are born from stem cells that live in various tissues throughout the body. These stem cells have the ability to renew themselves or turn into multiple other cells to repair damage as it occurs.

That is until we get older and serious tissue injury or a degenerative condition comes along. Common hip conditions and injuries include osteoarthritis, bursitis, osteonecrosis, tendinopathy, and labral or labrum tears. When these are present, an aging body sometimes can’t recruit enough of these cells to fully repair the affected area. The degenerative process exceeds regeneration.

How Do Stem Cell Injections Work?

The idea behind stem cell treatments is to amplify the concentration of an individual’s own stem cells in the part of the body troubling them. This is done by extracting already existing cells residing in high volume elsewhere in the body. Marrow blood containing these stem cells is withdrawn via a special needle inserted into the bone. This is a well-tolerated mostly painless procedure.

These cells are then concentrated and reinjected into the hip. The end goal is to accelerate the body’s ability to naturally heal itself to repair degenerated or compromised arthritic joints, tendons, and ligaments.

To a certain extent, we are using the body’s own natural repair processes to reverse the natural breakdown process that comes with aging, overuse, or injury.

With a same day stem cell injection, done right at our office, many patients are alleviating hip problems or pain without surgery. Even better, they’re avoiding surgical risks like infection and blood clots, as well as painful and lengthy rehabilitation periods.

Overall, Patients receiving stem cell therapy for hip pain experience little to no downtime from the treatment. In fact, most are able to walk that same day as opposed to being bedridden in the hospital for days post-surgery.

Are You a Candidate for Hip Stem Cell Therapy?

If you’re currently suffering from hip pain, and considering hip replacement surgery, contact Advanced Regenerative Medicine in Pittsburgh today at 855-984-8287. Find out if you’re a good candidate for hip stem cell therapy as a hip replacement alternative.

Polymer-Based Microparticles in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

“Different types of biomaterials, processed into different shapes, have been proposed as temporary support for cells in tissue engineering (TE) strategies. The manufacturing methods used in the production of particles in drug delivery strategies have been adapted for the development of microparticles in the fields of TE and regenerative medicine (RM). Microparticles have been applied as building blocks and matrices for the delivery of soluble factors, aiming for the construction of TE scaffolds, either by fusion giving rise to porous scaffolds or as injectable systems for in situ scaffold formation, avoiding complicated surgery procedures. More recently, organ printing strategies have been developed by the fusion of hydrogel particles with encapsulated cells, aiming the production of organs in in vitro conditions. Mesoscale self-assembly of hydrogel microblocks and the use of leachable particles in three-dimensional (3D) layer-by-layer (LbL) techniques have been suggested as well in recent works. Along with innovative applications, new perspectives are open for the use of these versatile structures, and different directions can still be followed to use all the potential that such systems can bring. This review focuses on polymeric microparticle processing techniques and overviews several examples and general concepts related to the use of these systems in TE and RE applications. The use of materials in the development of microparticles from research to clinical applications is also discussed.” – VC 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 27: 897–912, 2011

Read the full article here: Polymer-Based Microparticles in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine